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Exam Code: 810-403
Exam Name: Selling Business Outcomes
Updated: Mar 08, 2017
Q&As: 115
Exam Number:810-403
Associated Certifications:Cisco Business Value Specialist
Duration:90 Minutes (60 – 70 questions)
Available Languages:English, French, Japanese
Register:Pearson VUE
Exam Policies:Read current policies and requirements
Exam Tutorial:Review type of exam questions
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2017 Cisco 810-403 PDF Version (#20-27) from Pass4itsure:
810-403 pdf QUESTION 31
A mainframe batch process extracts sales information from a legacy point-of-sale system, nightly. The batch process deposits this information in a binary file in the directory /usr/local/POS/salesdata/ftp_report_sales_daily. What is the best way to access the data in your process definition?
A. Use an FTP control that is called synchronously from the process definition.
B. Create an Application View to access a J2CA adaptor that integrates with the legacy mainframe application, and call an Application View control from your process.
C. Use a File control that is configured to read ftp_report_sales_daily from the directory /usr/local/POS/ salesdata.
D. Create an Application View to integrate with the FTP server and call an Application View control from your process.
E. Use an FTP control that is called asynchronously from the process definition.
Correct Answer: C
810-403 pdf QUESTION 32
Use this process definition in the exhibit to answer the following question.
If the exception handler’s after execute property is set to resume and ConvertPriceListToPriceQuoteXML throws an exception, what happens?
A. The Recover Failed Data node executes and the process resumes at the first node after the group.
B. The Recover Failed Data node executes and the process resumes at ConvertAvailListToAvailQuoteXML.
C. The Recover Failed Data node executes and the process resumes at WriteQuotetoFile, because the exception handler skips any nodes in a sequence that are the same type as the one that threw the exception.
D. The Recover Failed Data node does not execute and the process resumes at the first node after the group.
E. The Recover Failed Data node does not execute and the process resumes at
ConvertAvailListToAvailQuoteXML. Correct Answer: B QUESTION 33
Use this process definition in the exhibit to answer the following question.
If the exception handler’s after execute property is set to skip and ConvertPriceListToPriceQuoteXML throws an exception, what happens?
A. The Recover Failed Data node does not execute and the process resumes at ConvertAvailListToAvailQuoteXML.
B. The rest of the group nodes are skipped and execution resumes at the node just before the group.
C. The Recover Failed Data node does not execute, the group is skipped and execution resumes at the first node after the group
D. The Recover Failed Data node executes, the group is skipped and execution resumes at the first node after the group.
E. The Recover Failed Data node executes and the process resumes at WriteQuotetoFile, because the exception handler skips any nodes in a sequence that are the same type as the one that threw the exception.
Correct Answer: D
810-403 pdf QUESTION 34
Data sent in the body of an email message must be processed by a new WebLogic Integration application. Because the resulting design uses an event generator, which control does the WLI application require?
A. Email
B. MB Subscription
C. Service Broker
Correct Answer: B
810-403 pdf QUESTION 35
Consider this XML Schema:
<?xml version=”1.0″?>
<xsd:schema targetNamespace=”” xmlns:xsd=”
<xsd:element name=”customerData”>
<xsd:element name=”name” type=”xsd:string”/>
<xsd:element name=”address” type=”xsd:string”/> </xsd:sequence>
Which XMLBean interface is generated from this Schema?
A. org.example.customer.CustomerData.Name
B. org.example.customer.customerData.Name
C. org.example.customer.CustomerDataDocument
D. org.example.customer.CustomerData.Address
E. org.example.www.customer.CustomerData.Address
Correct Answer: C
810-403 pdf QUESTION 36
What does the following XQuery expression do?
<CustomerName>{ concat($_flight_reservationDoc/ns0:customer/ns0:
firstName,$_flight_reservationDoc/ns0:customer/ns0:lastName) } </CustomerName>
A. It combines the element firstName and lastName nested under the root customer in an XML instance defined by a schema referenced by ns0.
B. It automatically combines all PCDATA nodes under the customer node, which is nested under ns0.
C. It combines all the data in an XML instance, omitting the fields firstName and lastName.
D. It converts the fields firstName and lastName into one XML element, referenced by ns0.
E. This XQuery expression produces no result and generates an error when executed.
Correct Answer: A
810-403 pdf QUESTION 37
What does the following XQuery expression result in? for $a in input()/flight/flights
let $b := $a/customer/@lastName
where $b = ‘bubba’
A. A collection of nodes that contains flight data
B. A collection of elements that contains flight departure times
C. A collection of elements that contains flight data for customers whose lastName element = Bubba
D. A collection of elements that contains flight numbers and departure times for customers whose lastName attribute = Bubba
E. A collection of elements that contains all information except flight numbers and departure times for customers whose lastName attribute = Bubba
Correct Answer: D
810-403 pdf QUESTION 38
What is the easiest way to include an MFL file that is created using Format Builder into a process definition?
A. Create an XMLBean with the same sequence and nodes as the XML part of the MFL and link it using a transformation rule.
B. Create an MFL control and invoke the control from the process definition.
C. Mark the MFL Exportable when creating it, and import it into the process definition, making it available in any transform control.
D. Copy the MFL to the schemas project and use an instance of the mflObject that is created by calling the appropriate conversion methods.
E. Create an MFL project within the application that contains the business process that wants to use it, and create a JCX control.
Correct Answer: D
810-403 pdf QUESTION 39
Programming information for each movie to be shown each day is currently stored in Certkiller .com’s application, in the following format: R:RowdyRides Again:The crazy antics of Rowdy and his friends continue in the funny sequel to the original:1992:3:1200p:100a:500a The first field is the movies rating. The second field is the title. The third field is a short movie description. The fourth field is the year the movie was produced. The fifth field is the number of times the movie is to be shown that day. The rest of the fields are the daily show times. What is the optimal way to transform this data, in an XML format that can be used by Certkiller .com’s process definitions?
A. Create an Adaptor View that transforms the binary data returned from an operation into XML, based on the XML Schema definition provided to the adaptor.
B. Use Java methods to parse the binary data and XMLBeans to create the XML document.
C. Create an XQuery expression that selects the value of each field based on the delimiter and inserts it into an XML document.
D. Create an XSLT rule that selects the value of each field based on the delimiter and inserts it in an XML document.
E. Create a Message Format Language (MFL) file that handles the conversion of binary data to XML.
Correct Answer: E
810-403 pdf QUESTION 40
Programming information for each movie to be shown each day is currently stored in Certkiller .com’s application, in the following format: R:RowdyRides Again:The crazy antics of Rowdy and his friends continue in the funny sequel to the original:1992:3:1200p:100a:500a The first field is the movies rating. The second field is the title. The third field is a short movie description. The fourth field is the year the movie was produced. The fifth field is the number of times the movie is to be shown that day. The rest of the fields are the daily show times. WichField Occurrence option should be selected in Format Builder to handle the instances of the show times field?
A. Once
B. Repeat Field, with the value set to the field name of the number of showings
C. Repeat Delimiter, with the value set to a colon (:)
D. Repeat Number, with the value set to the number of showings
E. Unlimited
Correct Answer: B
810-403 pdf QUESTION 41
Which statement about the use of Application Views is correct?
A. Publishing an Application View results in the creation of an EAR file.
B. Publishing an Application View results in the creation of an EJB JAR file.
C. The control must be created in the Application Integration Design Console.
D. The Application View must be created in Workshop before the control can be created.
E. The Application View must be created in the Integration Administration console before the control can be created.
Correct Answer: B
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