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Exam Code: 400-251
Exam Name: Cisco CCIE Security Written Exam (v5.0)
Updated: Apr 15, 2017
Q&As: 452
Exam Information:
Who should take 400-251 CCIE Security v5.0?
CCIE Security certification tests the expert level ability of a candidate to secure a large-scale network. This certification qualifies you to manage, lead and design the most complex network security solution. Traditionally, you could have taken CCIE Security 400-251 pdf version 4.1 Written Exam and after clearing it you needed to take it’s equivalent Lab version 4.0 but last day to test is January 30, 2017.
Now, after January 31, 2017; you will have to take revised CCIE Security v5.0 exam, also known as 400-251 dumps CCIE Security. Following is the comparison in both of the exams in the end.
2017 Cisco 400-251 PDF (#12-22) from Pass4itsure:
How does the BlackBerry Manager, through the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, determine the list of manufacturers and devices that can be selected when configuring the Enterprise Service Policy?(Choose one.)
A. The BlackBerry Manager uses the VENDOR.XML and DEVICE.XML files to retrieve the list of manufacturers and models permitted by the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
B. The BlackBerry Manager contains a list of permitted manufacturers and models based on properties of BlackBerry devices already activated to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
C. The BlackBerry Manager contains a list of permitted manufacturers and models based on properties that are transmitted from the BlackBerry Infrastructure.
D. The BlackBerry Manager uses a list that is created and maintained by the system administrator in the
Device Management Section of the BlackBerry Manager.
E. The BlackBerry Manager periodically retrieves a list of permitted manufacturers and models from an external website hosted by Research In Motion.
Correct Answer: B
What is the correct sequence of events for applying an IT policy to a BlackBerry device user? (Choose one.)
A. Pending, Processing, Sent, Received, Applied Successfully
B. Queued, Pending, Processing, Received, Applied Successfully
C. Processing, Pending, Sent, Received, Applied Successfully
D. Processing, Queued, Sent, Received, Applied Successfully
E. Queued, Processing, Received, Pending, Applied Successfully
Correct Answer: A
Which BlackBerry Resource Kit tool allows a system administrator to track which BlackBerry device users have not sent or received data packets from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server for one or more hours? (Choose one.)
A. DelayedNotifications
B. NoResponse
C. OutOfCoverage
D. Pending
E. HistoricalStats
Correct Answer: C
Which three actions must be taken to add a new third-party application to an existing software configuration? (Choose three.)
A. Refresh the applications listed in the Applications directory.
B. Create a new destination folder in the Applications directory.
C. Copy the required files and modules into the new folder.
D. Index the applications listed in the Applications directory. 6
E. Add a new software configuration.
Correct Answer: BCD
What happens when a BlackBerry device is assigned to a BlackBerry device user using the BlackBerry Manager? (Choose two.)
A. IT policy and service books are injected
B. The enterprise activation email is sent to the user’s inbox.
C. An enterprise activation password is generated
D. The owner information ispopulated._The owner information is populated.
E. A slow synchronization occurs.
Correct Answer: AE
The reference ID (refid) for a message for a BlackBerry device user needs to be traced for a calendar related issue. The user has Agent ID of What is the name of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server log file where this reference ID information can be traced? (Choose one.)
A. BlackBerry_ctrl_03_20071201_0001.txt
B. BlackBerry_disp_03_20071201_0001.txt
C. BlackBerry_magt_03_20071201_0001.txt
D. BlackBerry_cldr_03_20071201_0001.txt
E. BlackBerry_polc_03_20071201_0001.txt
Correct Answer: C
400-251 pdf QUESTION 17
What is the default maximum file size (KB) for Microsoft Word (.doc) attachments? (Choose one.)
A. Unlimited
B. 256
C. 512
D. 1024
E. 2048 7
Correct Answer: A
What are three functions of the BlackBerry Policy Service? (Choose three.)
A. Sends a set of rules that configures BlackBerry device security features
B. Polls for applications that are installed on the BlackBerry device
C. Compresses and encrypts data to and from the BlackBerry device
D. Sends service books that configure BlackBerry device functionality
E. Synchronizes any custom security settings on the BlackBerry device
Correct Answer: ABD
When setting up a software configuration, the Configuration Status field shows Unknown Configuration for a specific BlackBerry device user account. Which statement is true? (Choose one.)
A. The BlackBerry Enterprise Server has not polled the BlackBerry Configuration Database for which applications need to be installed/removed on the BlackBerry device.
B. The user has not yet been assigned to a software configuration.
C. The delivery method within the software configuration for this application has not yet been set.
D. The Disallow Third-Party Downloads IT policy has been set to True.
E. The Applications directory needs to be indexed so the software configuration status can be updated to reflect the current applications that need to be installed or removed.
Correct Answer: A
Which task is a system administrator able to perform using the BlackBerry User Administration tool? (Choose one.)
A. Create new software configurations.
B. Assign software configurations.
C. Create application control policies.
D. Assign application control policies.
E. Modify application control policies. 8
Correct Answer: B
By default, when does email message prepopulation occur for a BlackBerry device user? (Choose two.)
A. When an existing user re-activates the same BlackBerry device
B. When an existing user activates a different BlackBerry device
C. Each time service books are re-sent
D. When the BlackBerry Enterprise Server is restarted
E. When a new user is activated on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server
Correct Answer: BE
Which of the following can be found in the WLAN configuration administration in the BlackBerry Manager? (Choose three.)
A. WLAN Configuration sets
B. VPN Configuration sets
C. VOIP Configuration sets
D. IT Configuration Sets
E. VLAN Configuration Sets
Correct Answer: ABC
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