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Exam Code: 642-980
Exam Name: Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric
Updated: Feb 12, 2017
Q&As: 124
Exam Informaition:
Do you want to actually pass the Cisco Certified Network Professional Data Center 642-980 vce 100% successfully so you can do a better job or take work to the next level? These days, no problem where you look for the profession, every type of organization is looking for IT experts, due to which you must keep an IT certification in the area you wish to get a job. With Cisco 642-980 Certified Professional certification, you will be establishing new gates of tasks that you never predicted as many different organizations these days are using such aspects as 642-980 exam Cisco Certified Network Professional Data Center Certified Professional guides, digital selections, 642-980 appropriate guides, and CS notes in their companies; because of this reason, acquiring Cisco 642-980 certification is so essential.
Which two statements are true regarding vPC configuration? (Choose two.)
A. With vPC, there are no blocked ports.
B. vPC uses hash-based EtherChannel load balancing.
C. There are STP-blocked redundant links.
D. There is VLAN-based load balancing.
E. There is higher oversubscription.
Correct Answer: AB
Refer to exhibit.
Customer has a pair of Cisco Nexus7010s switches and connected to a single Cisco Nexus5548 switch via vPC. Customer has a combination of M1 and F1 I/O Modules in Cisco Nexus7010s.
Why is the design described not supported?
A. Mixing I/O Modules on the Same Side of a Peer Link is not supported
B. vPC does not support split control plane
C. You can not configure a vPC peer link to configure two devices as vPCs
D. Need to add another Cisco Nexus5548 switch to the topology to make this work. Correct Answer: A
What is one requirement for running FabricPath on a Cisco Nexus 7000 Series switches?
A. You must have an F Series module
B. You must run NX-OS version 4.2 to run FabrciPath
C. ISSU needs to be disabled to run FabricPath
D. LAN_TRANSPORT_SERVICES_PKG license needs to be installed to run FabrciPath
Correct Answer: A
Which statement is true regarding Cisco FabricPath?
A. It is necessary to first install the Cisco FabricPath feature set in the default VDC.
B. Cisco FabricPath is only available on Cisco Nexus 7010 Switches with the Supervisor 2 engine.
C. Cisco FabricPath cannot be disabled explicitly for a specific VDC.
D. If the Cisco FabricPath feature is not installed, the fabricpath keyword will be available in the feature-set command.
Correct Answer: A
Your customer is an ISP providing service to thousands of end customers. Its main concerns are focused on using up the total number of 4096 VLANs per VDC, wasting an unused block of IP addresses, and IP address management. Which technique will address these concerns?
A. create a separate VDC to scale VLAN limitation and upgrade to Cisco Nexus 7018 Switch
B. segment VLANs using secondary IP addresses, which will reduce the management domain
C. create mapping between the VLAN and VSAN to run FCoE to consolidate VLAN and IP addresses
D. use PVLANs, which will solve the scalability problem and provide IP address management
Correct Answer: D
Which statement is true regarding STP?
A. When the spanning-tree topology is calculated based on default parameters, the path between the source and destination end stations in a switched network might not be ideal.
B. The path between the source and the destination end stations is always ideal with the default spanning-tree parameter.
C. The path between the source and the destination end stations is determined by the speed of the link; the slowest link speed will become the root port during the election.
D. The path between the source and the destination end stations is determined by the lowest MAC address; the lowest MAC address will become the root port during the election.
Correct Answer: A
On the secondary vPC switch, under which circumstance does the vPC autorecovery feature not bring up the vPC member ports?
A. Peer link fails, and subsequently, the peer-keepalive link fails.
B. Peer link is up, and the peer-keepalive link fails.
C. Both vPC peers are reloaded, and the primary does not come back up.
D. Peer link fails, and subsequently, the primary switch fails.
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 10
A customer is deploying FCoE in its networ and has found that the connected host does not support FIP. Which command will be useful in troubleshooting this issue?
A. show platform fcoe_mgr info interface vfc id
B. show platform fcoe_mgr info software interface vfc id
C. show platform software fcoe_mgr info interface vfc id
D. show platform software interface fcoe_mgr info vfc id
Correct Answer: C
A customer is troubleshooting FCoE in its network. They have discovered that vFC is currently down and there is no active STP port state on the bound Ethernet interface. What should the STP port state be to correct this issue?
A. The bound interface should be in an STP forwarding state for the native VLAN only.
B. The bound interface should be in an STP learning state for both the native VLAN and the member FCoE VLAN that is mapped to the active VSAN.
C. The bound interface should be in an STP forwarding state for both the native VLAN and the member FCoE VLAN that is mapped to the active VSAN.
D. The bound interface should be in an STP blocking state for both the native VLAN and the member FCoE VLAN that is mapped to the active VSAN.
Correct Answer: C
When configuring LLDP on Cisco Nexus 5548 Switch, what is the purpose of LLDP hold time global configuration command?
A. LLDP holdtime option is to set the length of time in milliseconds that a device should save LLDP information received before discarding it
B. LLDP holdtime option is to set the length of time in seconds that a device should save LLDP information received before discarding it
C. LLDP holdtime option to is the length of time in milliseconds to wait before performing LLDP initialization on any interface
D. LLDP holdtime option to is the length of time in seconds to wait before performing LLDP initialization on any interface
Correct Answer: B
A customer is troubleshooting FCoE in its network and sees pause counters increasing when it runs the command show interface eth1/5. What is the cause of this?
A. The CNA connected to the switch is sending Xon or Xoff PFC frames.
B. The HBA connected to the switch is sending Xon or Xoff PFC frames.
C. Pause counters increase regularly; there is nothing to be concerned about.
D. A firmware upgrade on the Fibre Channel adapter that is connected to the switch will fix this issue.
Correct Answer: A
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