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Exam Code: MB2-707
Exam Name: Microsoft Dynamics CRM Customization and Configuration
Updated: Feb 24, 2017
Q&As: 90
Exam Information:http://www.pass4itsure.com/mb2-707.html
Official Site:https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/learning/exam-mb2-707.aspx
Why should you take the certification
I have written about why you should get Microsoft Dynamics CRM certifications before
Here are a few points
- It’s a great method to learn the out of the box/inbuilt functionality in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. The first tool a CRM developer should use to deliver request features is out of the box Dynamics CRM functionality. The out of the box functionality works and has been thoroughly tested by Microsoft (most of thetime).
- Out of the box functionality is quicker to create and is easier to maintain.
- Study for customization and config certification is a great way to learn new functionality added in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM
- Certification gives you a deadline to motivate you to learn
- MONEY, a certification is something to take into your yearly review.
2017 Microsoft mb2-707 exam dumps (#1-10) from Pass4itsure:
You are adding a Personal Identification Number field to the contact entity.
Users should be able to add data to this field when a contact record is created but should not be able to
read or modify it after the contact is created.
Which two actions should you perform? Each correct answer presents part of the solution.
Choose two.
A. Enable field security on the Personal Identification Number field customization.
B. In the users’ Security Role, grant an Organization level Create permission for the Contact entity.
C. In the field security profile for the users, set the Personal Identification Number Create permission to
Yes, the Update permission to Yes, and the Read permission to No.
D. In the field security profile for the users, set the Personal Identification Number Create field permission
to Yes, the Update permission to No, and the Read permission to No.
Correct Answer: AD
All users in your organization share a security role named Contoso Employee. The only current Account
form is assigned to that role and is configured as a fallback. The marketing team has an additional security
role named Contoso Marketing, and your support team has an additional security role named Contoso
You need to create a new form for the marketing team.
You have the following requirements:
The form must be the only form available to the marketing team. The support team must have access to
this new form and the current form.
What should you do?
A. Assign the new form to Contoso Marketing and Contoso Support. Then remove Contoso Employee
from the current form, and assign Contoso Support to it
B. Assign the new form to Contoso Support and Contoso Marketing, and remove Contoso Employee from
the current form.
C. Assign the new form to the Contoso Marketing secunty role, and configure it as the fallback. Then
remove Contoso Employee from the current form.
D. Assign the new form to Contoso Marketing, and configure it as the fallback. Then add Contoso Support
to the current form after removing Contoso Employee.
Correct Answer: A
You are creating a new business process flow for a custom Event entity.
You create the new process and select business process flow from the Category list but you cannot find
the Event entity in the Entity list.
What should you do?
A. Activate the new business process flow to refresh the Entity list
B. Save the new business process flow to refresh the Entity list.
C. Configure the entity to display in the Settings area, and then publish it
D. Configure the entity to enable business process flows, and then publish it
Correct Answer: D
You are a customer service manager. You create a personal dashboard that contains one system chart
and two personal views.
You need to make this dashboard available to the rest of the organization.
What should you do?
A. Assign a security role to your dashboard, and then assign the security role to the rest of the users or
teams in the organization.
B. Convert the personal dashboard to a system dashboard, and then publish it.
C. Share your personal dashboard and the two personal views with the rest of the users or teams in the
D. Add your personal dashboard to a Solution and export it Re-import it as a system dashboard.
Correct Answer: C
You create a new custom entity named Project. It has a lookup to Account.
You create a field that maps from the City field on the Account to the Location field on the Project.
What should a user do to apply the mapping?
A. Create a new Account. From the Account create the new project.
B. Look up an existing Account. From the Account record, add an existing project
C. Create a new Project. Using the Account lookup, select an existing Account.
D. Create a new Project. Using the Account lookup, create a new Account.
Correct Answer: A
You need to convert a personal chart to a system chart in Microsoft Dynamics CRM?
What should you do?
A. Export the chart from the chart pane, and import it into the entity customization chart area.
B. Create a solution that includes the personal chart and import the solution to create the system chart.
C. Go to the entity customization, and recreate the chart as a system chart.
D. Share the chart with all other Dynamics CRM users to convert it to a system chart.
Correct Answer: A
You want to add a drop-down list control on a form to present a fixed list of choices to the user.
Which Data Type should you use?
A. Lookup
B. Option Set
C. Picklist
D. Multiple Lines of Text
Correct Answer: B
An Account record has an Option Set named Relationship Type.
You need to ensure that when the Relationship Type is not Customer, the Account Number field does not
What should you do?
A. Use business rules.
B. Create a dialog.
C. Create a real-time workflow.
D. Configure the business process flow.
Correct Answer: A
You create several additional attributes in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
Which two field requirement levels can be set? Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose
A. Business Required
B. System Recommended
C. System Required
D. Business Recommended
Correct Answer: AD
You are developing a Microsoft Dynamics CRM solution for a company. Your solution utilizes an HTML
Web Resource on the Account form.
Company employees use Microsoft Dynamics CRM Mobile client for iPad, Android, and Windows.
How will this environment affect the user experience
A. The users will not be able to view the Web Resource and will need to use the desktop client instead.
B. The users can view the Web Resource, as long as it is within one of the first five tabs of the default
C. The users will have to download and install an update rollup in order to view the Web Resource.
D. The users will not be able to use the Web Resource until their security role is updated with ISV
Customizations privileges.
Correct Answer: A
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